Je t'aime

Tu es belle
Et tu es toute a quoi je peux penser
Si je ferme mes yeux, je te vois
Si je les ouvre, tu est la
Je te sens
Autour de moi,
Je sens ton corps dans mes bras
Tes yeux en regardant du ciel
Tes levres sur les miennes
Tu hantes mes reves
Tu hantes mes penses
Je te veux..
Dans ma vie...
Et je veux etre
Dans la tienne...
Est-ce que
Tu seras la mienne?

(Note: If you know french, edit me)


  1. crystalmermaid said...

    i cant believe that my lil bro's
    grown so big!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

    here's the translation for all those who dont understand french: (not that i knw french, all thanks to goolge...........he he)

    You are beautiful
    And you are all that i can think of
    If I close my eyes, I see you
    When I open them, it's you that i feel
    Always… Everywhere… Around me, I feel u in my arms
    see ur eyes looking at sky
    Your lips on mine
    You haunt my dreams
    You haunt my thoughts
    I want you, In my life…
    And I want to be in ur arms When ..... How….......
    Will you be mine?

    hey bro, let me know if i've made ay mistakes.
    PS: n oh yes sorry for translating it....  

  2. RituRaz said...

    I'm speechless.. how on earth did you get the translation?  

  3. Anonymous said...

    well.... dude since wen on earth did ya get so damn romantic... anyways pretty sweet... liked it man... she'll be happy if she reads it.. get her to read it... now i kno the feelings yu got for her... understan em... hope its fer her only...and no one else.... peace..  

  4. Srinidhi said...

    first things first its beautiful! *sniff sniff* secondly... lucky girl!  

  5. uniqueorn said...

    its amazing (only after i read the translation)whoever this was for has a shakespere in her life  


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