Trying to 'graduate'

Now that things are going good, and I'm actually starting to understand lenses, I've started shooting stuff other than flowers and at times other than before sunrise, (wat was described in the previous post's comment page as 'graduate') though i hardly dare go beyond the first hour and half of the sun.
Mistakes keep happening and I end up deleting more than three times the number of photos i keep. And some can be frustating- because while they look mind boggling on the LCD, they move the photographer to tears when viewed on a larger screen.
And by now, I need to learn to take multiple shots of the same object rather than look at the pic on the display on the first try, smile and move my tripod to something else.
The first photo I'm putting up today is one that blows my mind off on the small screen but then the object is completely out of focus, when actually seen big. But I swear to the spirits of all amateur photographers before me, I'll take that photo again, and this time, I'll bring it out good.
This is the one I'm talking about

And ya, anyway,
here are the better ones...

(And to think for 19 years of my life, I trampled on these without as much as looking at them)

(Because people r thinking I'm getting fixated over close ups of flowers, I thought I might as well as move to a wider view)

(Yeah, I know, Animal Planet won't hire me. Blame the light. And expand the image n look at his eyes)

(Thats two (duh) trees near teh percolation tank, as viewed fro the anonymous jungle near teh agricultural farm)


(That's my first shot at shooting a person... and ya, that's also my buddy Sam, who lost his background to a shutter speed of 100 while I left the flash on)


  1. Hard as a Rock said...

    hey dude... nice to c me on ur blog.. :) yea.. bum.. u robbed me of my background.. hehe lolz.. but still.. good pic.. for one thing im highly NOT photogenic and you've managed to make me look acceptable... and as you said it.. dude.. you are one step closer to making luk good wat others would say gros.. ;) keep shooting gud man.. one day i wanna c u big.... real big... :)  

  2. RituRaz said...

    Might as well start eating noe then..(ya, i know, PJ)
    thanx dude... and ya, i'll recompensate teh backgraound for you.. might as well put you in front of the white house, just gime a day... n ya, that one-liner's not applicable here...honestly  

  3. Anonymous said...

    i absolutely love the second pic...its amazing..n i think elements in it coordinate with the hot tell u what that is later..lovely..the one with 2 trees is also nice..n always avoid flash when ur doin portraits...its flat light n not too appealing...keep it going..good job

  4. RituRaz said...

    Thanx loads...
    second pic as in teh second pic or the second pic that didnt lose focus?
    The portrait as s blind shot, shot it inside dominos, so... u r right,, tha flash sucks  

  5. Anonymous said...

    second pic as in the second pic..the one that dint lose focus...the pretty spiny one u trampled on all ur life...  

  6. RituRaz said...

    k.. hehe.. thanx
    not for the first four or six months or so (wat age does a bay learn to walk btw?)  


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