My Blog and her new Look

I have finally decided that my blog's tired and that she needs a new look. If you were, in any case, about to ask me why my blog's feminine, do the following. Find out from the Spanish why the Radio is feminine and cinema is masculine, ask the French why the glove is masculine while the tie is feminine, and you shall find your answer.
The idea of re-dressing (not redressing as in redressing a grievance) my blog came to me after I saw Kartick's. He'd done his up well, so I decided that the best way to do my blog up would be to ask Kartick to do it. He did it, and here it is.
Just to give it the finishing touches, I added the photo of the Dog shitting. (Who else could have come up with that?) And the line to go along with the pic.
Crap (popularly known as shit) and I have a long history. For one, I call out her name whenever something shitty happens.
(If you are asking me why shit is feminine again, consider this. Food is feminine in spanish, portugese and Italian, so processed food remains feminine, too, right?)
I am also very selective in her distributing her. Come to think of it, there are so many I don't give a shit to...
Incidentally, I also don't take shit from anyone.
So, isn't it only fair that crap should adorn my page?
As for the dog connection, don't even ask.
Apparently, Diamonds are a woman's best friends. A man's best friend... is a dog.
Who the fuck came up with that? That's gender discrmination directed against us!


  1. shuuuu said...

    i absolutely agree about the feminine thing ... ( why u taking french even bloody hindi has stupid gender confusion ... )..... anyway love the new look ... and i love the fact that she is named"crap"... the one name we can take in vain .. in joy . in sorrow .. in the loo ... :P:P...... also .. just so u know even though i love diamonds ... given a choice i would want the dog .... :P:P.....  

  2. RituRaz said...

    Thats y v friends na re... diamond lovers n all form the otehr side of the human worruld :)  

  3. shuuuu said...

    yeah how can i forget the .. worrrking worrrld .... that we live is ... is appalled by them precious bloody expensive stones .. when a mangy cur can make u so much happier  

  4. Sana said...

    shites ! I m re-designin my page too..and i is gettin the comod also..
    Karthik's help only :|  


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